How to Design a Professional Website

 How To Make A Website Using Bluehost With Google Webmaster Tools

If you are thinking of how to make a website for your company, first check out Bluehost, one of the most popular web hosting companies today. Bluehost is so popular because it has an easy to use website builder, tons of helpful tutorials, and even a very reasonable monthly plan. This means that when you sign up for a Bluehost account, you will be able to create a site in minutes. It can take an hour or more with a regular website host, but Bluehost takes away most of the guesswork out of building a Website because everything is so user friendly.

It is also really easy to set up and get going with Bluehost if you start to follow the simple steps that it provides. The first thing you need to do is to find a topic or theme for your website. There are plenty of great themes out there today for all different types of websites including informational websites, eCommerce sites, and social media sites. If you are not sure What type of  Website you want to build, take some time to look at some of the websites on the front page of Google. See what they are doing and then look at how they are constructing their websites.

Once you have decided on a topic or theme for your website, you need to choose a name and create a landing page that will help visitors navigate to your site and find what they are looking for. This is usually the home page of the site and it usually displays some of your links and the keywords that you used to promote your website throughout the internet. The home page is also where you will place any content that you feel is necessary such as articles, press releases, and videos that will help visitors get an understanding of your mission statement or how to provide quality content.

The next step is to decide on a color scheme and theme for the site. A lot of people choose to go with a Google colors scheme. If you don't already have a color scheme, you can usually pick one up through their online store or even visit a website that has already done this for you. The color scheme and theme will set the tone or mood of your website. It's important to be consistent so that your visitors know what to expect each time they land on your site.

The next thing that you need to do is select a color scheme and theme for your site. This might seem like the hardest part but the process is actually quite simple. As long as you are consistent and have a theme, everything else should fall into place. I'm going to give you a quick tip right now that will help you with how to make a website using a Bluehost account.

Most people use the default Google colors and template. Although, I've seen some people who have gone with a Twitter or Facebook-style template. When you go to your Bluehost homepage, you should see a page that looks very similar to the default. What you need to do is change the background image and click on the "contact us" button. This is what sets your website apart from others.

After that, all you have to do is input your desired Google Webmaster tools that you want to use. From there, all you have to do is follow the instructions that Google provides. For instance, if you are using Google Webmaster Tools, you have to go to your account and then go to the section called "Awestruck". This will take you to the search console where you can type in the exact keywords that you would like your website to rank for. Then, just hit the "Search" button and you will be shown a list of all of your competitor's websites that are ranking well for the same keywords that you're trying to rank for.

This is how to make a website using a Bluehost theme with Google Webmaster Tools. There are other ways that you can make your website using a Bluehost theme other than through Google. However, these two methods allow you to keep things simple. If you still want more control over what happens with your Website, you can try other methods that you find more useful such as Dreamweaver or Joomla.
